
 Principal page. 

Kids Song  English. [Kids Song English]. (2017, December 24). Welcome, song [Video].YouTube.

The Blue Diamond Galley. (n.d) Handwriting image

Images of different types of families: ( Cited in Better help, 2020) 

Whitaker, S (2020, November 4). My family tree.

Family tree - references. 

Visual materials.

Benedict. D.[Daryl Benedic].(n.d). Types of family [Video]. YouTube. &t=25s 

Piñata TV.  [Piñata TV]. (2017, August 8) Kids Vocabulary- My family- Family members [Video]. YouTube.

Time to have fun and learn.

Whitaker S. (2020, November 1). Wordwall Family Members

Sano y Delicioso. (2012, November 17). La Mente. Retrieve November 01,2020 from. 

WebQuest image. StrategicPsychology. Multicultural Character.

Time to pay attention and listen. 

Rodriguez, D. [ Deidry Rodriguez]. ( 2020, July 28) Describing my family member. [Video]. YouTube.

Whitaker S. ( 2020, November 4). The physical description of my family.
Whitaker, S. [Solangy Whitaker] (2020, November 12). Introducing family type and physical description. [Video]. Flipgrip.

All I can do 


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